Colour Therapy-Drawing Course


Please Note:
This is not a Counselling Course, but you will learn Intuitive Counselling techniques that relate to colours, their meanings, and insights relating to how a drawing is drawn and what this can
represent to the client, which will be a spiritual awareness for them.


Course Information (6wks):

Colour Drawing is used alongside Intuitive Counselling techniques which allows us to get in touch with thoughts, feelings or emotions that have been subconsciously blocked or suppressed.

When we draw it helps reveal the very things that we may have forgotten about or ones we may have put aside that may have been unpleasant to deal with at the time.

The Colour Therapy – Drawing Course focuses on certain areas of our lives, which involves drawing pictures to represent these areas, using an array of coloured pencils. The choice of colours and the way we draw will connect us to our intuition and bring up whatever needs to be discussed or expressed.

The Process:

Everyone does a drawing, then within the group we partner off with someone. One person analyses their partners drawing using colour meanings and intuitive counselling skills, the drawing is discussed and then this process is changed around.

Each drawing is done in the “before therapy stage”, and an “after-therapy stage” this allows us to gain insight and understanding of what has been drawn or expressed.  Using these tools together can create a gentle and supportive way to help release any subconscious blocks to allow a healing or a shift to take place.


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