So, what is Healthy Ageing?
We all Love that Youthful, Healthy Look, and you may be one of those lucky people that don’t show their age, but Nature does have a way of eventually catching up with us and the clock does not stop for anyone!
Hopefully you have started to implement a Healthy Ageing program into your Lifestyle as this can help to Reduce the Ageing Process and contribute to keeping you well on all levels – Mentally, Emotionally, Physically and Spiritually.
Factors that have a V+ influence on how you age
- Connecting – Spiritual connection and/or having a life purpose. Being optimistic, happy and having a positive outlook on life in general.
- Activities – Stimulating mental activities and arts, crafts and hobbies. Support brain health with fat soluble nutrients or herbal formulas
- Support Network – Strong social networks and deep interpersonal relationships
- Work/Life Balance – Managing Stress and making sure you are having time out and connecting with nature, life is not all about work! Healthy sun exposure.
- Good Nutrition – Optimise cardiovascular health through diet and lifestyle choices. Adequate water, fiber and a nutritious rich diet.
- Physical Activity – Physical activity and regular exercise. Healthy body composition.
The Healthy Ageing – Food Pyramid
The “Healthy Ageing” Program
The “Healthy Ageing Program” initially is a 3-week Protocol (3 x 1 hr. sessions) to follow that will keep you looking Youthful, Healthy and Well for years to come!
Click on the following Link to start your Program Now.